Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tempest in Boston

In the novel, "Faith", Jennifer Haigh tackles the abuse scandal in the Catholic church.  The story begins  in Boston during the implosion of the archdiocese as a result of numerous allegations against many priests throughout the city.  The focus is on the Irish Catholic McGann family. 

Art, the oldest child, now in his 50's is a beloved pastor of a large and active parish when he is suddenly accused of misconduct.  Haigh keeps the suspense going by not revealing what the charges are.

Sheila, the sister, has remained close to Art through the years, although she is estranged from the rest of the family.  She joins her brother during his ordeal but is disturbed by his dodging of the questions she asks.

Mike is the other brother.  He is married with boys of his own and is shocked and appalled by the allegations and distances himself from Art.

There are many questions and have been for many years.  Uncovered will be a history of silence and repression and misdeeds that went unpunished.

It's a gripping novel and not at all what you think it will be.   I definitely recommend it.

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