Monday, September 17, 2012

A Little Prince Will Come

Kristy Brown's "Kiera's Quest: Awakenings is a great YA fairytale/fantasy novel.  It is the first in a series of Kiera's Quest novels.

Kiera is a musically gifted high school student who has always had dreams of another world where she was protected by an unknown presence.  Zakk is the Prince of Zantar and the presence in Kiera's dreams.  The Witch Queen wants to take over the kingdom of Zantar and turns Zakk into a doll and sends him to earth.

Kiera discovers Zakk, the doll, and together they must get Zakk back to Zantar before his birthday so the spell can be broken and the Witch Queen thwarted.

There were some great characters in this story.  They were fun and provided many amusing moments.  I especially liked Googe, the Witch Queen's evil henchman.  Brown painted a good picture of the world of Zantar as well.  The story was well paced and held my interest.  And the ending definitely left me ready for more.

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